The Physical Education Directors from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada and its affiliated colleges will have a meeting, Today at the university premises. According to this, the University Information & Public Relations Officer Dr. Sai Baba had released a press note here on Mond...
Vikasa, an Out Sourcing project at Collectorate is going to conduct a job mela on 5th of December 2013. According to this, the Vikasa PD Mr. V.N.Rao had released a press note here on Tuesday. Degree qualified candidates with age of below 36yrs are eligible to attend this mela, he said. Versatile Indi...
The District Cooperative Central Bank Ltd (DCCB) CEO Mr. Hema Sundar has been selected for Indira Gandhi Excellence award, which is presented by International Business Council. He is going to receive this award from the Union Health Minister Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad on 21st of this month in the premises ...
Rashtra Parirakshana Vedika District Chairman Mr. Buriga Ashirwadam has stated that the district Samaikyandhra activists meeting will be conducted on 4th December to plan the schedule of further movement of Samaikyandhra agitation. In view of the central government's fast arrangement for state bi...
The JNTU-K Physical Directors 6th general body meeting has been started here on Tuesday, at senat hall in the university premises. According to this, the Vice Chancellor Dr. Tulasi Ram Das has presided over the program as a chief guest. The University Academic Planning Director Mr. K.Uday Bhask...
The Electricity department (APEPDCL) Women employees state level sports competitions were started here on Wednesday at the district sports ground in Kakinada. According to this, the Electricity dept Superintendent Engineer (SE) Mr. Y.S.N.Prasad has presided over the program as a chief guest & sta...
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