Regional Joint Director (RJD) Mr. M.R.Prasanna Kumar had announced that they will provide appointment orders for Adarsh Teachers on 23rd of this month. According to this, he had released a press note here on Wednesday. These orders will be sent to all the five subjects teachers except TGT Hindi teach...
District Educational Officer (DEO) Mr. K. V. Srinivasula Reddy has announced holiday on 22nd November ie., Today for all the schools in low-lying areas due to the cyclone alert in the District. According to this, he had released a press note here on Thursday. He said, the holiday was declared due to ...
The authorities have declared high alert in East Godavari District in view of 'Helen' cyclone to safeguard the public and property in low-lying areas. According to the India Meteorological department report, the severe cyclonic storm is likely to cause extensive damage to thatched roofs, huts...
Congress Leader Mr. Bonam Venkat Bhaskar who belongs to Kakinada, has been selected as Corporation Bank Director. Appointing him, the Government of India had issued orders based on the advise of Ministry of Finance. The bank will have 9 directors where Mr. Bonam is one among them. According to this, ...
The East Godavari District have received two gold medals in the National Level Tennikoit Competitions, which were held from 8th to 12th of this month at Jaipur. Two players from the District named Ashok & Jagadish achieved these medals. Upon this, the District Tennikoit Association has conducted ...
A job mela is being organised by Vikasa on 24th of this month at Collectorate premises in Kakinada. According to this, the Vikasa PD Mr. V.N.Rao had released a press note here on Friday. He said, one of the reputed Food Industry from Chittoor district will participate in this mela to recruit personne...
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