The Union Minister for Human Resources Development, Mr. M.M.Pallam Raju has stated that the polio disease will be prevented completely only when everyone from the society take responsibility for this immunization programme. Yesterday, he has inaugurated the second phase of Pulse Polio immunization programme here from the Dairyfarm center Rajiv Gruhakalpa premises in Kakinada. This launching programme was held under the supervision of the District Collector Mrs. Neetu Kumari Prasad here. Speaking on this, he called upon the public to administer the polio drops for all the below 5yrs kids to prevent the disease. He has started the programme by administering the drops to children from the center. Joint Collector Mr. Mutyala Raju, RDO Mr. Ambedkar, DM&HO Dr. Padmavathi, In-charge DIO Dr. Pavan Kumar and others attended the program.
The Central Minister for Human Resources Development, Mr. M.M.Pallam Raju has inaugurated the Center of Excellence for Teachers (Teacher training center), which belongs to the Central Board of School Education (CBSE) here on Sunday at Bal bhavan in Kakinada. Along with him, the CBSE Secretary Mr. R.B...
R&B Employees Association new committee was elected on the last day of employees council meetings here on Sunday, at Sundarayya Bhavan in Kakinada. According to the council elections, Mr. P.Apparao Naidu has elected as President, Mr. M.V.P.Siva Ramayya as Main Secretary, Mr. P.V.Ramana, Mr. R.Ram...
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada Rector Dr. Prabhakar Rao has stated that the sports are helpful to get physical fitness and mental relaxation for the human body. Yesterday, he has participated as a chief guest to the rally, which was conducted for the awareness of Rajiv Gandhi Khe...
The state government has issued GO for the recruitment of 87 Village Revenue Officers (VRO's) to our district for 2014 year. As per the orders, the district authorities have conducted the written test for this recruitment on 2nd of February and announced the results on 22nd of the same month. Lat...
District Collector Mrs. Neetu Kumari Prasad has inaugurated the National Informatics Centre (NIC), which was remodelled at Collectorate in Kakinada, here on Monday. Speaking on this, she stated that this NIC centre was established on 1989 by the government with a motto to provide computerised service...
World Printers Day was celebrated, here on Monday in Kakinada. Commemorating the memory of Johan Gutenberg, who has been decorated with the title of 'Father of Printing', the Offset & Letter Press Printers Association of Kakinada has observed the day by organising a function at Maharshi S...
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