The Upcoming Movie 'Intinta Annamayya' Hero Mr. Revanth and Director Dr. Raghavendra Rao have visited Kakinada here on Saturday, as a part of the movie promotion. They had visited Sri Chaitanya Techno School at Sambamurthy nagar in Kakinada. They have spend some time with the students. Speaking with media persons, Hero Mr. Revanth said 'I want to become a journalist but now i turned as a Hero unfortunately'. The movie Intinta Ramayya is a very good movie, which tells about the importance of Telugu language, he added. Every one will like this movie, he felt. The movie is to be released on 31st of this month, he added. Later, he released the trailer of this movie by using a laptop in the school premises. School AGM Mr. Chinmai Srinivas, Dean Mr. Satyanarayana, Teachers and huge number of students participated in the program.
Mr. Chakradhar Rao has been appointed as Rajiv Vidya Mission District Project Officer (PO) here on Saturday. According to this, he had received orders from the State Government on Friday. He had worked at Social Welfare department, Hyderabad and on transfer he came to the district. Yesterday, he had ...
District Level Grievance Cell (Praja Dharbar) program will be conducted Today with out any fail. The cell will be conducted at DWMA meeting hall in Collectorate, Kakinada. Collector Mrs. Neetu Kumari Prasad and Joint Collector Mr. Ahmed Babu will receive complaints from the public under this program....
District Kapu Sadbhavana Samiti Main Secretary Mr. Basava Prabhakar Rao has submitted an appeal letter to Union Tourism Minister Mr. K.Chiranjeevi, requesting the inclusion of Kapu, Telaga, Balija, Ontari castes to BC. According to this, he met Mr. Chiranjeevi here on his one-day visit to the d...
The Door-to-Door Voters Survey will be started from 16th of this Month in Kakinada Rural Mandals. According to this, the Rural Tahsildar Mr. L.Joseph had released a press note here on Sunday. He said that the booth level officers will organize this survey. This program will be conducted from 16th May...
AP State Assistant Drug Controller Mr. R.Uday Bhaskar and National Dy Drugs Controller Mr. A.Chandra Shekar Rao were inaugurated the newly constructed Rotary Blood Component Unit building here on Sunday. The building was constructed with expenses worth of Rs.12 Lakhs at the bloo bank premises in Kaki...
Mr. M.Gopala Rao has been appointed as District Assistant Director (AD) for the Department of Lands & Survey, here. He worked as Srikakulam District Survey dept Assistant Director previously and now on transfer, he had appointed to the district. According to this, he has taken charge from In-char...
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