Kakinada Sice Computer Education Director Mr. Babji has announced that the Central Placements cell in association with Labour department is conducting free Professional Training classes for unemployed youth in the District. According to this, he had released a press note here on Wednesday. This free training will be provided for the unemployed youth under Professional Training scheme who are in the age group of 18 to 35 years, he noticed. The training will be provided for 45 days in Tally and Computer assistant courses for which the candidates should pay only their examination fee, he said. Interested candidates can submit their applications before 20th of this month at Sice Computer institute, Bhanugudi in Kakinada, he added.
The Director of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada Dr. Prabhakar Rao had received 'Mother Teresa' award for 2013 year on his service for Education. High Court Honorable Justice Shri Rohini presented this award in a program organised by Healthcare International Social Art Volun...
A job mela is being conducted on 21st of September at Rajiv Gandhi Degree College, Kakinada. According to this, the College Principal Mr. A. Kotibabu had released a press note here on Thursday. Nearly 100 Engineering posts are going to be recruited by TMI Groups in this fair, he said. 2012-13 passout...
District Collector Mrs. Neetu Kumari Prasad on Thursday, announced that our East Godavari District stood First in National level LPG Aadhaar Seeding Project. She also added that our District got second position in National level Bank Accounts Aadhaar Seeding Project. According to this, she had releas...
The District Teachers JAC has decided to organise 'Students and Teachers Maha Garjana' program on 26th September at Indrapalem Junction in Kakinada. According to this, the JAC leaders released a press note here on Thursday stating that the meeting aims at educating the people particularly the...
NTR University of Health Sciences Vice Chancellor Dr. I.V.Rao has stated that the University is taking special care in contribution to develop Medical education by giving best doctors to the society. He has participated as a chief guest to the 36th State Surgery division Seminar, which was started at...
Rajiv Gandhi Degree College, Kakinada has extended the date for Degree admissions for 2013 academic year upto 30th of this month. According to this, the College Principal Mr. A.Kotibabu had released a press note here on Friday. He said these admissions are conducting for B.Sc, B.Com Computers, BBM co...
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