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Koppisetty Sudarsana Rao 
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Respected Sir, Not staying H.No.3-1-2, street No.1, Brownpet, Samalkot. Municipality has alreay given notice in 20012 to collapse that house No.3-1-2 totally damaged house. That house is not good to stay. And then vacated the house in 2011. They are staying in Dawaleswaram, Rajamahendravaram. Without styaing H.No.3-1-2 they go voter identity. 1. Chantamma Koppisetty APO70430381317 she is staying in Dawaleswaram for 10years she residence certificate by MRO there.2. Koppisetti. Ravikumar, WUZ0111872 3. Koppisetti Veera Naga Durga Veni WUZ1043504 they are staying plot No. 70, Ragive Gruhakalpa Apartments. 4. Kongu Jogiraju WUZ1041540 he is staying in Chinna Eluru. Prathipadu Mandal. He got Voter Id in Eluru. About them I complaint to BLO to cancel voter id but did not listen my words because of money. Without styaing they got voter ID in H.No. 3-1-2. Street No. 1, Brownpet, Samalkot. Please enquiry and cancell the voter id to them.

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