The weather report for Kakinada today –January 19th, 2011 is likely to be mostly dry, Wind will be generally light. Haze with an average degree of 23°C, visibility is at 4km, relatively humidity in the air at 90%.
Morning: A mix of cloud and sun.
Speed of wind: 5km/h, Clear, Maximum Temperature: 26°C, Minimum Temperature: 22°C
Afternoon: Sunny.
Speed of wind: 20km/h, Clear, Maximum Temperature: 28°C, Minimum Temperature: 26°C
Night: Mostly clear
Speed of wind: 5km/h, Clear, Maximum Temperature: 22°C, Minimum Temperature: 21°C
State Level Singing Competitions would be conducted on the 23rd of this month at Surya Kala Mandir. These competitions will be held in pursuance of 65th Sankranthi Annual Celebrations of Classical Music Organization Sangeeta Vidwat Sabha. Organization Founder and Andhra Pradesh Cultural Council Membe...
District Collector Mr. M.Ravi Chandra ordered Medical Officers to pay attention on giving good Medical services to the people in the Medical Officers meeting conducted at District Medical & Health Office here on Tuesday. Mr. Ravi Chandra mainly questioned the officials about the pr...
District Government is going to start distribution of Adhar Cards in Kakinada Urban areas on Wednesday at morning 10am onwards. According to the distribution, presently two centers are ready to start, one at 30th Division Post Office located in Bhrammam gari Mattam and another one at P...
The weather report for Kakinada today –January 20th, 2011 is likely to be mostly dry, Wind will be generally light. Haze with an average degree of 23°C, visibility is at 4km, relatively humidity in the air at 89%.Morning: Mostly SunnySpeed of wind: 5km/h, Clear, Maximum Temperature: 27°...
Training is to be conducted for Social Welfare Department Scheduled Caste Advocates and for this selections were decided to be held on 21st of this month. However, selections have been postponed to 28th of January as stated by Social Welfare Department Joint Director Mr. Mallikarjuna Rao. Candidates ...
JNTU-K Team reached Semi Finals in the South West Zone Inter University Tennis Tournament, which is being conducted in association with JNTU College of Engineering, Kakinada. Competitions reached third day at Rangaraya Medical College. Pre-quarter Finals were conducted on Wednesday afternoon. Competi...
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