Hyderabad, Aug 5th: The Chief Minister, Dr. Y.S Raja Shekar Reddy created a flutter in political circles on Wednesday saying that the actor and Telugu Mahila president, Ms Roja, had expressed an interest in joining the congress. He said that some middlemen had approached him and informed that Roja wanted to join congress. The CM mentioned the Roja episode to explain to the media that the congress was comfortably placed in the Assembly and did not need to lure leaders from other parties.
Soon after the statement given by the CM, Roja appeared on TV channels and said that she never tried to join the Congress. She said that she was active with her present party and will continue to be active. Roja condemned the CMs words by saying that it was not correct for him to spread such rumors about her. Mr. Naidu also reacted sharply to Dr. Reddy’s comments and said he was spreading such stories intentionally.
Kakinada, Aug 5th: The East Godavari district administration initiated steps to meet the situation that arose out of poor rainfall in district in present rainy season. A special contingency plan is being implemented to meet the situation. It was noticed that the rainfall in present season fell shor...
Kakinada, Aug 5th: With the drastic raise in tur dal prices, the East Godavari administration has initiated steps to sell the same at reduced prices. The Joint Collector for East Godavari and collector for civil supplies, Mr. Kona Sasidhar, conducted a meeting with representatives of dal mills and wh...
Hyderabad, Aug 5th: A 13 year old girl was tested positive for swine flu on Wednesday taking the total number of infected cases in the state to 68. The girl was a resident of Hyderabad and contracted the flu from her father who had earlier tested positive. He was treated at Chest Hospital, Erragadda....
Hyderabad, Aug 6th: For the time being the state government has asked the schools to collect the fee fixed in the previous academic year until the District Fee Regulatory Committee (DFRC) approves the revised fee for this year. The government has issued orders on Thursday evening restructuring fee in...
Ongole, Aug 6th: Two persons died and four other were injured in an explosion at a crackers unit in Ongole on Thursday. The incident occurred at Satyam crackers company situated on the Guntur Road near National Highway 5 when seven workers of the unit were working at 12 noon. Sources said that the bu...
Rajahmundry, Aug 6th: The two-day bankers strike from Thursday had its impact on trade on the first day itself in East Godavari with 400 bank branches of various nationalized and private banks being closed. The bank transactions worth Rs 500 crore were affected on the first day as bankers clearing ho...
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