The two-day Gowthami Puppetry show was concluded here on Wednesday night. District Collector, Mr. M.Ravi Chandra participated as chief guest in this program. Speaking on this, Collector stated that every individual must put their effort to encourage artists and support them. As a part of supporting artists, programs like this must be conducted, he added. Additional Joint Collector, Mr. B.Ramarao presided over this closing function. Collector presented Memos and certificates to more than 40 artists who participated in this show. Later, they presented Puppetry show for children. In this program, BC Social Welfare Officer S.Dhan Raju and others were present.
Rajiv Gandhi Degree College is conducting Job Mela on 28th of this month through District Village Development Organization. As a part of Rajiv Yuva Kiranalu, this Mela is being conducted. DRDA Scheme Organizer Madhukar Babu said this to news line here on Wednesday. Speaking on this, Mr. Madhukar stat...
BSNL Broadband free video calling program will be conducted in 30 areas in district on Thursday. BSNL DGM Krishna Prasad said this to news line here on Wednesday. Speaking on this, Mr. Prasad stated that one can talk to anyone around the world with the help of this video calling. This video calling i...
Government has introduced online services for the enrollment of the voter ID cards. Due to this online procedure, one need not waste their time near Government Offices. One who enrolls in online center will be given card after examination. District Collector Mr. M.Ravi Chandra has inaugurated this on...
Collectorate Revenue Unit Employees Committee elections will be conducted on 28th of this month. As the tenure of the previous committee has completed, this elections will be held. For the year 2012-15, new committee will be appointed. On this, State Revenue Employees Committee Organizing Secretary V...
Agitation on the issue of broken statue of Dr.BR Ambedhkar continued here on Thursday. Mala Maha Gharjana had conducted a huge rally in which large number of Dalit participated. Mala Maha Gharjana State President Mr. Daanam Lajar Babu stated that before we get the incident in Amalapuram, few stranger...
Brindavan Gated Community Apartments model flats were inaugurated here at Santhinagar on Thursday by Paripunanda Saraswathi Swamiji. Swamiji made Jyothi Prajwalna and participated in the inaugural function. Speaking on this, he stated that construction of buildings will all facilities in peaceful loc...
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