Hyderabad, Sep 11th: Mr. Kosaraju Venkateswara Rao, the prime accused in the Rs.32 crore Krushi Bank scam, is finally released out on bail from the Chanchalguda central jail, on Friday after he secured bail from the first additional metropolitan magistrate. His relatives put up four sureties of Rs 50 lakh each. After spending more than three years behind bars, the former chairman of Krushi Cooperative Urban Bank walked out of the jail, denying that he duped anybody and promising to pay money to the depositors.
After coming out of prison, Mr. Rao said the court has refunded Rs 22 crore to depositors by auctioning his properties. He claimed he had to pay only Rs 4 crore to depositors. Mr. Rao denied allegations that he duped depositors. “Justice will be done to every depositor”, he added. 'It was not a scam. Several top banks were closed down in the country because of various reasons,' he said. Asked about his escape to Bangkok when the bank was in crises, he said he had to flee to Bangkok as he was facing threat to his life from 'some elements'.
Hyderabad, Sep 11th: Officers of the Andhra Bank, owing allegiance to All India Andhra Bank Officers Federation (AIABOF), stayed off work on Friday to protest against alleged harassment by the management, partially affecting the functioning. According to sources, 80 per cent of the officers, numberin...
Hyderabad, Sep 11th: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister K Rosaiah in his first major decision since taking over as the CM of the state has decided to set up a new varsity named after the late Y.S.Rajasekhar Reddy. The university will be administered by the Andhra Pradesh Academy of Rural Development. Call...
Kakinada, Sep 11th: The East Godavari district collector, Mr. Gopala Krishna Dwevedi assured to initiate relief measures in the drought affected mandals in the district shortly. Taking part in the review meet on the drought situation here on Friday, the collector said that the state government had de...
Hyderabad, Sep 11th: Officers of the Andhra Bank, owing allegiance to All India Andhra Bank Officers Federation (AIABOF), stayed off work on Sept 11 to protest against alleged harassment by the management, partially affecting the functioning. 80 per cent of the officers throughout the country partici...
Visakhapatnam, Sep 12th: The Deemed Gitam University in Andhra Pradesh has got recognition from the Distance Education Council (DEC) to start Post Graduate, Under Graduate and Diploma courses through the Distance Education. The Vice-Chancellor M Gangadhara Rao said that the DEC has accorded permissio...
Hyderabad, Sep 12th: Lok Satta Party demanded that the Government publish a white paper on bank loans to farmers during the Kharif season. Party General Secretaries V Laxman Balaji and G Malyadri claimed that banks had not distributed Rs 12,000 crore as claimed by the Government. The banks included r...
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