Hyderabad, Nov 26th: The Telangana Rastra Samithi president, Mr. K. Chandrasekhar Rao, on Thursday said that he was forced to resort to fast-unto-death as there was no response from the state government and the Center on the demand for a separate Telangana. Mr. Rao left the city for his home in Karimnagar to rest for two days amidst talk of his arrest before undertaking fast at Siddipet from November 29. He was given a traditional send off by family members at his Banjara Hills residence.
At Telangana Bhavan, women party leaders offered 'aarati' and applied vermilion on his forehead and wished him success in his endeavor. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Rao said that the party has tried all democratic means to achieve statehood. With no response from the government he decided to go on fast-unto-death. It is not too late for state and Center to intervene and grant statehood, he added.
Amalapuram, Nov 26th: The NTR Health University plans to introduce several new courses in the next academic year 2010-2011. The university vice chancellor told here on Thursday that they were planning to introduce a course in nutrition science at both the graduation and post-graduation levels in addi...
Hyderabad, Nov 27 : The former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Satyam Computer Services Limited (Satyam) Ramalinga Raju, who was undergoing treatment at the Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) has been discharged from the hospital and taken to Chenchalguda Central jail. The authorities had t...
Hyderabad, Nov 27th: The Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) have announced the dates for online Common Admission Test (CAT) 2009. The first computer-based CAT exam will be held between November 28 and December 7, 2009. The test will be held twice, once in the morning and the other in the evening. ...
Hyderabad, Nov 27th: The state government has decided to simplify the process of admission into IIITs in Idupulapaya, Nuzividu and Basar. Accordingly it has asked the officials of the Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies (RGUKT) to devise a new method which is “student friendly&rdq...
Kakinada, Nov 27th: The East Godavari District Libraries Association president, Mr. Bairraju Prasadaraju, said that nearly Rs 2.43 crore was needed for the development of all libraries in the district in the financial year of 2009-2010. He appealed to the government to take necessary action to that e...
Kakinada, Nov 26th: The counseling for admission into MPHWF course for women nurse training was held peacefully here on Friday. For the counseling that started at Bennet Club on Friday morning, nearly 250 students from all over the district attended. East Godavari district joint collector, Mr. Kona S...
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