The weather report for Kakinada today –July 8th, 2011 is likely to be mostly dry, Wind will be generally light. Overcast with an average degree of 26°C, visibility is at 10Km, relatively humidity in the air at 87%.
Morning: A mix of cloud and sun with a few showers. Chance of a thunderstorm. 6 to 12 mm of rain. Windy at times.
Speed of wind: 15Km/h, Rain Showers, 3mm Rain, Maximum Temperature: 31°C, Minimum Temperature: 29°C
Afternoon: A mix of cloud and sun with a chance of showers or thundershowers. Windy at times.
Speed of wind: 15Km/h, Rain Showers, 1mm Rain, Maximum Temperature: 31°C, Minimum Temperature: 30°C
Night : A mix of cloudy and clear skies with a chance of showers or thundershowers. Windy at times.
Speed of wind: 10Km/h, Rain Showers, 2mm Rain, Maximum Temperature: 28°C, Minimum Temperature: 27°C