The 18-year-old girl named 'Keerthi Revathi', who was allegedly set ablaze by a youth on Venumadha Swamy temple street in Pithapuram town of East Godavari district on last Wednesday, has lost her life here on Monday while undergoing treatment at Government General Hospital in Kakinada. She was received more than 80 per cent burns and admitted to the hospital on last Wednesday. According to the sources, the accused Muppidivarapu Naveen (24), a painter by profession, used to harass her by professing his love. In spite of having his advances spurned, Naveen would continue to stalk the victim. When he learnt that Revati was getting married, he threatened her with dire consequences. He went to her house and poured kerosene on her and set her ablaze. Responding to this, the women associations and service organizations from the city staged protests against the accused here on Monday, and demanded the government to do the justice for Keerthi's family.
Lions Club Kakinada vision is going to celebrate its 10th Foundation day, here on 25th of December. According to this, the President Devika Devi had released a press note here on Monday. She stated, a musical concert is being organised, Today at Surya Kalamandir in Kakinada. Lions Club District Gover...
The State Arts & Crafts department temporary Inspectors association general body meeting was conducted, here on Monday at United Teachers Federation (UTF) hall in Kakinada. In this meeting, the association has elected the new committee under the supervision of State Convenor Mr. Sadha Ramakrishna...
State Ministers Mr. Raghuveera Reddy, Mr. Anam Ramanarayana Reddy and Mr. Kanna Lakshmi Narayana were going to visit the East Godavari district on this Wednesday. They are going to visit various places separately to do some inauguration and other official programs in the district. State Government Wh...
South Zone Table Tennis Competitions will be conducted from 27th to 31st of this month at JNTU-K Indoor Stadium in Kakinada. According to this, the organisers released a press note, here on Wednesday. These competitions would be held for both Men & Women categories. Sports persons from total 5 st...
Abhyudaya Foundation, Kakinada has organised the cultural celebrations event, on occasion of its 15th Annual Celebrations at Surya Kalamandir in Kakinada. As a part of these celebrations, Brahmasri Chaganti Koteswara Rao's pravachanas program was started here on Wednesday. This program was being ...
Lions Club Governor Dr. Siva Prasad has stated 'it is very appreciatable that women is first even in social service in the present world'. He has participated in the Lions Club Vision Decennial Celebrations, which are conducted here on Wednesday at Surya Kalamandir in Kakinada. The club has o...
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