The weather report for Kakinada today –November 28th, 2011 is likely to be mostly dry, Wind will be generally light. Scattered Clouds with an average degree of 27°C, visibility is at 10Km, relatively humidity in the air at 76%.Morning: A mix of cloud and sun. Windy at timesSpeed of wind: 15...
The weather report for Kakinada today –November 29th, 2011 is likely to be mostly dry, Wind will be generally light. Scattered Clouds with an average degree of 27°C, visibility is at 10Km, relatively humidity in the air at 76%.Morning: A mix of cloud and sun. Windy at timesSpeed of wind: 15...
In association with School Games Federation, the dates for conducting various State Level Competitions have been confirmed. District Federation Organizing Secretary TVS Ranga Rao said this to news line here on Monday. Under 14, 17 Yoga competitions will be conducted from 3rd to 5th of December in Pro...
Cluster Sports meet was conducted between CBSE schools here on Monday. Total 10 schools participated in this meet. Students of Vidyanjali School, Kakinada actively participated and achieved several prizes and also Rolling Shield. Competitions were conducted among Vidyanjali, Akshara, Boon, SRR, Kakin...
TIM (Ticket Issue Machine) will be introduced in nine depots in district from 15th December. In accordance with change in time, this process of issuing ticket will be introduced. This will also reduce the workload on conductors of every bus. Ten days training will be given for conductors based on bat...
The weather report for Kakinada today – November 30th, 2011 is likely to be Mostly dry, Wind will be generally light. Clear with an average degree of 26°C, visibility is at 10Km, relatively humidity in the air at 78%.Morning: A mix of cloud and sun.Speed of wind: 5Km/h, Clear, Maximum Tempe...
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