The Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET) 2014, will be conducted on 22nd of this month. According to this, the Regional Co-ordinator for EAMCET, Professor Ramana Rao has released a press note here on Wednesday. Speaking on this, he stated that all the arrangements were being done for the examination in the city. He said, the Engineering entrance exam will be conducted from Morning 10am to Afternoon 1pm, and the Medicine entrance will be conducted from Afternoon 2.30pm to Evening 5.30pm on the same day. 2,81889 Applications for Engneering & 1,12,932 Applications for Medical Entrance are registered He added.For This year 8 thousand applications reduced for Engineering and 7 Thousand applications increased for Medical Enterance.All Xerox & Internet centers will be closed during examantion period he added According to Centers JNTUK Principal Dr.Padma Raju Said 25 centers for Engineering and 10 centers for Medical entrances, were alloted.Students are not allowed to bring Cell phone, Pager, Calculator or any other electronic device to the center, he noticed. He asked the students to read the instructions completely before attending the exam. He strictly mentioned that candidates who are late even by 1 second will not be allowed to attend for the exam. 500 Observers, Special, Obeservers, enforcment & special Squad werre appointed for Invigilation.He added.
APEPDCL Employees District JAC was doing indefinite strike demanding wage hike from 25th of this month, Employees of power generation and transmission corporations as well as distribution companies began their strike on Sunday to press for implementation of a wage revision, which was ‘due&rsquo...
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Open University Distance Education center Second year Exams Date was released yesterday.According to this Center Coordinator Yelia confirmed the date From 27th of this month to 3rd June the exams are conducting and timings for examantions is from 10AM To 1 PM he added. Exam on 30th ma...
Our District Swimming players were bagged some medals in 38th Under District Level Junior Girls & Boys Aquatic Championshop Competitions which are held on 26th May at Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Swimming Pool. Our players got 3 Gold Medals, 7 Silver medal & 4 Brzone Medals. R.Meghananjali...
Rich tributes were paid to the Telugu Desam Party founder, Sri Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao (NTR), on the occasion of his 92nd Birth Anniversary on Wednesday.Our City MLA Vanamadi Konda Babu Had Visited NTR Ghat and Paid Tributes & City TDP Members are also joined. The program was grandly observed at...
Kakinada Nataratna Kalamandir has grandly celebrated the 92nd Birth Anniversary of Sri Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao (NTR), On this occasion Nataratna Kalamandir Was gifted a Cash prize & Natratna Photo Memento for a Two students E.Sai Sandhya Rani & A.Suneetha who got 9.5 (grade marks) in 10th Cl...
The results of Eamcet-2014 which was held on May 22nd will be announced on June 9th at 4.30pm. In this district students got good ranks in engineering and medical categories sri chiatnaya college student R.S.K.Lasy got 55 rank in medicine.According to this college AGM Mr.Chinmaya Srinivas said ...
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