New Delhi, June 25th: The union human resources development minister, Mr. Kapil Sibal proposed to bring a major reform in the examination system by setting up single school board at all-India level, replacing all state level boards and to make the board examination at the class 10 level optional for students. "We will reform the examination system and Class 10 examination will be optional," Sibal told reporters here while outlining his 100-day plans for the education sector.
Mr. Sinal showed concern over the present education system where marks system is putting a lot of pressure on children and parents especially on mothers. He alleged that most of the students are committing suicides due to failure in exams and poor marks. He said that the students in our country should not study under pressure. He also revealed to introduce a system of replacement on marks by grades in schools affiliated to CBSC (Central Board of Secondary Education) for the secondary classes of ninth and tenth.
He said that the ultimate aim of the board exams for a student is to get admission in university so that they want to evolve a single system. "We will introduce a single board examination with consensus so that children can give one exam and decide which school or university they want to go," he added. He said the biggest challenge the country faces at present is providing quality education to the young.
Hyderabad, June 25th: According to the metrological department, monsoons are likely to hit the state in two to three days. This will be a good relief to the farmers that are waiting for rains for their Kharif plantations. Meteorologist of IMD department, Mr. M. Satya Kumar said that the monsoons wi...
Los Angles, June 25th: Iconic pop star Michael Jackson reportedly suffered a cardiac arrest and died on Thursday at the age of 50. With the further details of the death not yet released, a cardiac arrest is more dangerous than a heart attack. Jackson died at UCLA Medical Center after being stricken...
Kakinada, June 25th: The NCC (National Cadet Corps) will organize a special national integration camp in the month of September at Kakinada for development of leadership skills among youth. Cadets from all over the country will take part in the camp which is being hosted by the NCC, AP directorate....
Rajahmundry, June 25th: The educational authorities have started issuing notices to the schools and junior colleges, asking them to submit details of fees collected from the students for admission into their colleges. In wake of allegations from parents and students over the collection of high fees...
Tirupati, June 26th: On the reason of three eclipses that are slated to occur in the space of a month the Tirumala temple, the abode of Lord Venkateswara will remain closed. The first in the series of celestial events would be the lunar eclipse on July 7, followed by solar eclipse on July 22 and an...
Hyderabad, June 26th: A nine year old girl was kidnapped and later found on Friday. According to the police, Varalaxmi, 9 and her seven year old brother were walking back to house in Begampet. An auto rickshaw driver stopped them and asked to get into the vehicle. He told them that he was an acquai...
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