Union Tourism Minister Mr. Chiranjeevi has inaugurated the statue of “Viswa Nata Chakravarthi” Sri. S.V.Ranga Rao here on Friday at 5 Buildings center in Kakinada. Speaking on this, he stated that, S.V.R is an versatile actor, who create history in Telugu film industry. HRD Minister Mr. M.M.Pallam Raju has presided over this program. State Ministers Mr. Vatti Vasantha Kumar, Mr. Thota Narasimham, MLA's Mr. Kurasala Kannababu, Mrs. Vanga Geeta, Mr. Pantham Gandhi Mohan, Mr. Jyothula Sri Krishna, Mr. Achyuta Ramayya, Mr. Basava Prabhakar Rao, Mr. Ungarala Venkateswara Rao and others participated in the program. Sri S.V.Rangarao grand son also participated in the program.
District Telugu Desam Party (TDP) had released a social website http://www.savethewomen.in for the sake of women, on Friday. According to the sources, District Youth President Mr. Mathukumilli Sri Vijay has developed this site. Ex-MLA Mr. Vanamadi Venkateswara Rao (Konda babu) had released the websit...
The 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, was celebrated here on Saturday at Raja Tank premises in Kakinada. According to this, HRD Minister Mr. M.M.Pallam Raju has presided over the program. Firstly, he offered garlands to the statue of Vivekananda at the park premises and paid rich tributes...
South Zone Inter University Badminton Championship Competitions, which are conducting at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in Kakinada from last four days, were concluded here on Saturday. According to the sources, around 108 teams were participated in these competitions from various universi...
Octuple Guinness World Record Holder, Squadron Leader Mr. Jayasimha has announced that, he is going to conduct the 7-day training program for students on mind power in these Pongal holidays here from Sunday, at Utsav function hall in Bhanugudi Junction, Kakinada. According to this, he had released a ...
Union Minister for Human Resources Development (HRD), Mr. M.M.Pallam Raju has inaugurated the Ambedkar Function hall at Recharlapeta in Kakinada here on Saturday. The function hall was constructed with expenses of Rs.22 Lakhs with a big dining hall, kitchen room & a compound wall. Firstly, Mr. Pa...
The 134th Birth Anniversary of Lions Club International Founder, Mr. Melvin Jones has grandly celebrated here on Sunday, by the club members in Kakinada. The program was held under the chairmanship of Kakinada Lions Club President Mr. K. K. Mehata. Firstly, they had offered garlands to the photograph...
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