'Nakshatra Geetanjali' drama was successfully conducted here on Thursday as a part of Satkalavahini's 39th Anniversary Celebrations at Sri Satya Bhaskara Satkalavahini in Kakinada. A huge number of public have attended the show. Around 50 members of artists & school students were performed in this drama. According to this, Famous Advocate Mr. G. V. Krishna Prakash has presided over the program as a chief guest. Later, he has inaugurated the Kala-Satkala monthly maxine for January month. Satkalavahini President Mr. Gopala Narsa Raja, Kala-Satkala Maxine Editor Mr. Gedhada Kasturi Prasad, Dr. M. Subbarao, Kunjika Lakshmi, Naalam Andal, Mr. Chandra Shekar and others participated in the program.
The 3-day Kakinada Beach Festival was grandly inaugurated by the State Chief Minister Mr. N.Kiran Kumar Reddy, Tourism Minister Mr. Chiranjeevi and HRD Minister Mr. M.M.Pallam Raju here on Friday at Vakalapudi beach premises in Kakinada. Speaking on this, the Chief Minister stated that, starting any ...
Kakinada FM Relay Station will be inaugurated here on 13th of January from Kakinada LPT under All India Radio Visakhapatnam center. According to this, All India Radio Visakhapatnam Program head V.Venkata Lakshmi had released a press note here on Friday. She said that this FM Radio Relay Station will ...
Union Tourism Minister Mr. Chiranjeevi has inaugurated the statue of “Viswa Nata Chakravarthi” Sri. S.V.Ranga Rao here on Friday at 5 Buildings center in Kakinada. Speaking on this, he stated that, S.V.R is an versatile actor, who create history in Telugu film industry. HRD Minister Mr. M...
District Telugu Desam Party (TDP) had released a social website http://www.savethewomen.in for the sake of women, on Friday. According to the sources, District Youth President Mr. Mathukumilli Sri Vijay has developed this site. Ex-MLA Mr. Vanamadi Venkateswara Rao (Konda babu) had released the websit...
The 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, was celebrated here on Saturday at Raja Tank premises in Kakinada. According to this, HRD Minister Mr. M.M.Pallam Raju has presided over the program. Firstly, he offered garlands to the statue of Vivekananda at the park premises and paid rich tributes...
South Zone Inter University Badminton Championship Competitions, which are conducting at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in Kakinada from last four days, were concluded here on Saturday. According to the sources, around 108 teams were participated in these competitions from various universi...
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