Sri Vasudeva Medicals & Fancy Stores
Contact Person
B.Manikyala Rao
Near Sitammatalli Temple
Opening hours
7:00 a.m. To 11:00 p.m.
All general medicines are available here.
We also offer general and fancy goods like Shampoos, Baby oils, Facial Creams, Boost, Horlicks, Complan, Cool drinks, Chocolates, Biscuits, Water Bottles etc
We also offer general and fancy goods like Shampoos, Baby oils, Facial Creams, Boost, Horlicks, Complan, Cool drinks, Chocolates, Biscuits, Water Bottles etc
Distance from
Rail : 2.56 km, Bus : 1.90 km
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G Convention Hall - NFCL Road
Synergy International Academy - Suresh Nagar
Penta Ramachandra Rao & Son (Main Road) - Main Road