Sri Seetha Rama Raju Kalavedika
Regd. No. 391/2001
Contact Person
P.Dayananda Babu
Opp.Street of Sristi Computers
Opening hours
7:00 a.m. To 9:30 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m. To 9:00 p.m.
Activities > For every 3 months we conduct service camp of blood donation to help poor people, on every year march we conduct state level cultural programs, games competition for about 6 days, celebrate freedom fighters birthdays, organize seminars and promote Indian culture and heritage and patriotism, honored the old artists etc.
Elections are conducted on April every year. Now 50 members are in this association.
Life Membership : Rs.1000 to 5000/-
Elections are conducted on April every year. Now 50 members are in this association.
Life Membership : Rs.1000 to 5000/-
Distance from
Rail : 1.46 km, Bus : 1.82 km
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