Grandhi Chalapathirao Kanyakumari Community Hall A/C
Grandhi Function Hall
Contact Person
G.V.V.S.L.N.Subba Rao (Proprietor), Phani Kumar (Manager)
Beside NCC Canteen
Opening hours
Ours is a G+2 Floors Centralized A/c Function hall
Ground floor is Dining Hall for 500 to 700 No's Dinning Hall facility with Centralized A/C
First floor space for Function hall Up to 200 to 250 Members seating capacity (Centralized A/C)
Second Floor for accommodation with 9 Rooms + Dormitory with Split A/C.
Lift Facility Provided.
Spacious Parking Facility is available.
Ground floor is Dining Hall for 500 to 700 No's Dinning Hall facility with Centralized A/C
First floor space for Function hall Up to 200 to 250 Members seating capacity (Centralized A/C)
Second Floor for accommodation with 9 Rooms + Dormitory with Split A/C.
Lift Facility Provided.
Spacious Parking Facility is available.
Distance from
Rail : 1.42 km, Bus : 1.86 km
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