DRDA Office
Indira Kranthi Patham
Contact Person
Project Director (PD)
Opp.Govt.General Hospital
Opening hours
10:00 a.m. To 5:30 p.m.
Since 2002, the Society for Eradication of Rural Poverty (SERP), a non-profit organization established by the AP state government and supervised by the Andhra Pradesh Department of Rural Development, has worked to help rural families gain access to land as part of the Indira Kranthi Patham (IKP) program.
The IKP land component helps poor families gain access to land in two important and innovative ways: (1) through negotiated purchase of agricultural land from willing private sellers, and (2) through providing legal aid and other land access services to families that seek to exercise existing legal claims to lands that the families have formally received from the government (or purchased from private sellers) in the past. These programs have substantial potential for providing land access, land rights, and opportunity to hundreds of thousands of poor rural families in Andhra Pradesh. The total target universe includes at least 2 million rural families that are completely landless.
Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) is implementing Indira Kranthi Patham (IKP) in all the 22 rural districts of A.P.
Institution Building.
There are 96,46,200 members in 8,09,779 SHGs exclusively for women. Including 2,01,465 members in 21,780 exclusive SHGs for PWDs, there are a total of 98,47,665 SHG members in 8,31,559 SHGs in 34,269 Village Organizations (VOs) and 1094 Mandal Samakhyas (MSs). Zilla Samakhyas have come into existence in all the 22 districts. As on today, the total Savings and Corpus of SHG Members are Rs.1755 Crores and Rs.3951 crores respectively.
Bank Loans and Pavala Vaddi.
During this financial year up to September 2008, Rs.3234.19 crores of bank loans are given under Pavala Vaddi incentive as against annual target of Rs. 11037 Crores. Rs.284.68 Crores is given to SHG members as Pavala Vaddi Incentive.
The IKP land component helps poor families gain access to land in two important and innovative ways: (1) through negotiated purchase of agricultural land from willing private sellers, and (2) through providing legal aid and other land access services to families that seek to exercise existing legal claims to lands that the families have formally received from the government (or purchased from private sellers) in the past. These programs have substantial potential for providing land access, land rights, and opportunity to hundreds of thousands of poor rural families in Andhra Pradesh. The total target universe includes at least 2 million rural families that are completely landless.
Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) is implementing Indira Kranthi Patham (IKP) in all the 22 rural districts of A.P.
Institution Building.
There are 96,46,200 members in 8,09,779 SHGs exclusively for women. Including 2,01,465 members in 21,780 exclusive SHGs for PWDs, there are a total of 98,47,665 SHG members in 8,31,559 SHGs in 34,269 Village Organizations (VOs) and 1094 Mandal Samakhyas (MSs). Zilla Samakhyas have come into existence in all the 22 districts. As on today, the total Savings and Corpus of SHG Members are Rs.1755 Crores and Rs.3951 crores respectively.
Bank Loans and Pavala Vaddi.
During this financial year up to September 2008, Rs.3234.19 crores of bank loans are given under Pavala Vaddi incentive as against annual target of Rs. 11037 Crores. Rs.284.68 Crores is given to SHG members as Pavala Vaddi Incentive.
Distance from
Rail : 1.99 km, Bus : 1.51 km
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